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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Highway, Motorway, Freeway?
Judit Godall
6 respuestas
Hello everyone!Could anyone tell me the difference among these 3 words please?Here in Spain we have Autovías y Autopistas. Which word is the best one to use to refer to autovías and autopistas?Thank you in advance!
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Miguel Medina
A "Highway" is basically any long road with high-speed traffic, intersections and street lights, it's not "controlled" nor does it have strict rules, and it allows a large range of traffic. Now, for the other two, rules are a bit different:
A "Freeway" is the kind of highway you see that's going over the traffic, high up in the air and with buildings around you, you feel like you're driving above the city. Whereas a "Motorway" is a road specifically designed for faster traffic with controlled access, no intersections, pedestrians, bicycles, or slow vehicles, and with higher speed limits than highways.
A "Freeway" is defined as a "Controlled-access Highway", you have to go onto a ramp in order to access there, it has no traffic signals and nowhere to stop safely, just free traffic; and a Motorway has a safer design but you have to go fast, no walkers or bikes allowed, also has controlled access.
Hope that cleared your doubts. ¡Que tengas un buen día allá en España!
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Judit Godall
Thank you Miguel!
Yes, you have definitely help me.
But I must admit that, in spite of your wonderful clarifications, I'm still unclear when it comes to give a synonym to AUTOVÍA and AUTTOPISTA , the two main words we use here in Spain.
Thanks again!
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John Godbe
Profesor Pro
All freeways and motorways are "controlled-access highways" but the term "freeway" is only used in the US and only when it's "free" (gratis) -- i.e. it's not a toll road (ruta de peaje). In Canada a freeway/motorway is called a highway (the Trans-Canada Highway, for example). "Highway" is a general concept and can be almost any kind of principal road, from a city street to a freeway/motorway. In a technical/legal sense, even a residential street is a kind of public highway. For instance, I'd say all of the B-10/Ronda Litoral in Barcelona is a highway because it's a principal road, but it's only a freeway/motorway south of Zona Franca and north of Diagonal. I'd call it an "expressway" when it's parallel to Pg. Colom because it's controlled-access but not high-speed. The AP-7, A-2, C-58 etc. are all freeways/motorways.
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Judit Godall
Dear John,
Thank you so much for all your clarifications.
They have been extraordinarily helpful!
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Joseph Noble
They are almost all the same. A highway refers to about 2-3 lanes in each direction running close to a city centre (40 mph); a motorway is the English way of saying Freeway (USA) where cars can travel at high speed (70 mph) away from a city centre.
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Judit Godall
Cheers Joseph!
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Juliocesar monroy
technically speaking they all are the same. roads where the speed limit is fast(65 miles per hour)
some people can say that;
highway is a road with multiple lines (up to 5)
motorway is he road exclusive for cars and motorcicles (no bicycles)
freeway is the one that you don't have to pay a fee at a toll booth to ride on it
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