What way to improve my English skills is the best?

Ivan Hurtado García 9 respuestas
I would like to be very confident when I try to talk and to be more fluent in my English language, but i wanna know an effective method or way to be better.
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Elsi De Santis
Act like you are in a rock concert!! Enjoy the lirycs, scream it out, and of course, say a bad word every now and then... It will work on you!
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Ivan Hurtado García
Okay, It could be very funny and interesting. Great idea!
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Francisco Gonzalez
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Rafael Langoni
Hi! Well...it depends on the skills you want to focus. In general, the best way of improving your conversation is role playing different situations of your daily life (e.g. being in a bank or at the restaurant). Besides, another practical idea is to describe different pictures/photos in a short period of time -30 seconds or one minute at least- paying attention to grammar structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Last, if you like reading books or watching films/series, you can retell them or make comments upon the plot or story. Hope this may help you a bit more. Regards
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Ivan Hurtado García
A great point of view, awesome. Thank you dude.
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Sandra Valeria Saavedra Arellano
A thing that has worked for me in order to achieve my english writing, listening and speaking skills is THINK EVERYTHING IN ENGLISH. When you start to think in another language, your mind is going to try to do anything to find the right word to use. Other thing you can do is watch youtube videos of your interests for instance, cooking videos, videogames videos, any kind of video you are interested in. That way you'll improve your auditive sense and you''ll become likely to understand any english accent. Hope it works for you!
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Ivan Hurtado García
That's so true, I was trying it for many days, and I know it works! It's an amazing way. It's so cool to remember it, so thanks to remind that.
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Luciana Sanchez Rosselli
Focus on English Fluency, Not Grammar. Have you ever asked yourself how often you stop when you speak in English? The more you stop, the less confident you sound and the less comfortable you become. Try to challenge yourself to speak without stopping or stammering (taking pauses between your words) the entire time. This might mean that your sentences won’t be grammatically perfect, and that’s okay! If you focus on speaking fluently instead of correctly, you’ll still be understood and you’ll sound better. You can fill in the correct grammar and word rules as you learn them better.
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Luciana Sanchez Rosselli
*how often do you stop... (sorry).
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Ivan Hurtado García
I didn't think anything about it, but right now I'm trying your tip. Thanks a lot.
Marina Ledezma
You can try singing in english. You improve your pronunciation and your intonation. You can watch a film in english with english subtitles as well. It helps a lot and you can learn many new words. Try thinking in english. When you go to the bank, for instance, you can do it and saying to yourself what you are going to do or you can think about how you'd tell about this activity to an english speaker.
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Ivan Hurtado García
Yeah! I really enjoy singing, becuase it is so good when you wanna learn and get a diferent method about pronunciation. Thanks for your answer, cool!
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Ricardo Franco
1. Get a good mentor. 2. Get a more advanced learning system. 3. Practice a lot, at least once a day.
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Francisco Gonzalez
Ivan you have to read a lot, very good novels, poetry, a lot of styles and topics. Once in a while, visit an english speaker country or a place abroad where no body speaks spanish and be friendly, be talkative be courious and you will see inmediate results in your english language competencies. For sure.
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Ivan Hurtado García
Oh! That's very good, a great tip. Thank you man.
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Rafael Romero Ospino
Hello Ivan. I understand your point completely. Most English students know how to read, write, translate and grammatical rules because that is the only thing they practice intensely, but they don't practice listening or speaking with the same intensity. Conclusion: if you want to improve your communication skills in English, you should practice your listening more intensely with short videos with subtitles and speak with a partner about these videos taking turns in asking and answering questions. This is the most effective method I know and teaches you to think English very quickly. Hope this can help you.
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Ivan Hurtado García
Oh! That's so true, I have all of those things you talked, but I know with your tip I can be better like an English speaker. Great! Thanks!
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Rafael Romero Ospino
Ok you're welcome, I'm very glad it has been useful.
Nicole Salirrosas Salas
It's immersion, for sure. For example, I learned English while listening to my fav songs and singing out, I would check the lyrics in esp and eng as a beginner, but if you don't have trouble understanding English you can use only eng lyrics. As I reached intermediate level, I would watch movies, vlogs or cartoons, even anime, but with subs in English bc I appreciate the original voices (that helped my reading skills too). You get the opportunity to improve the skills you want, I teach my students this way, whether it's reading a short story and identifying new words, or doing karaoke. Of course, you have to do it intentionally, like pause to take note of new vocab to then use it in context, practice pronunciation, etc., that way you'll see better improvement. Good luck!
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