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Clases de Español
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Los alumnos de Michelle opinan: Los alumnos de Michelle opinan:
Michelle is a great teacher!! She explains things very well, is patient and super friendly! I learn so much in my lessons!! She is so fun to learn from, I highly recommend!!
Michelle is a great teacher!! She explains things very well, is patient and super friendly! I learn so much in my lesso...
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$ 5000/h
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Profesora de Español online para todos los niveles. Spanish teacher, online classes, all the levels

Descripción del anuncio
Hola! Soy Michelle y voy empezando mi camino como profesora con muchas ganas y energía de enseñar español. Las clases van a estar preparadas para el nivel en específico y, además, enfocadas en las preferencias y necesidades del alumno. La idea es crear un ambiente interactivo y dinámico y dónde el alumno se sienta cómodo y confiado para hablar, practicar y aprender.

Hi! I'm Michelle and I'm starting as a teacher wanting and with the energy to teach Spanish. The classes are going to be prepared considering the student's level and also forwarded to the interests and necessities that the student has. The idea is to create an interactive and dynamic space where students feel comfortable and confident to speak, practise and learn.
1 valoraciones de alumnos y ex-alumnos de Michelle
Michelle is a great teacher!! She explains things very well, is patient and super friendly! I learn so much in my lessons!! She is so fun to learn from, I highly recommend!!
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