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Clases de CAE Certificate in Advanced English
1 valoraciones
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Los alumnos de Anne opinan: Los alumnos de Anne opinan:
Una excelente profesora. Aprendí bastante gracias a ella, sus clases siempre fueron entretenidas y se daba el tiempo para dejar claras todas las dudas que me surgían.
Una excelente profesora. Aprendí bastante gracias a ella, sus clases siempre fueron entretenidas y se daba el tiempo pa...
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$ 300/h
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Caring and enthusiastic tutor will help you achieve your best English

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Hey there,

I'm Ana, thanks for checking out my profile! :)

"I love to create positive, encouraging learning environments where I motivate and keep learners engaged so they can acquire the language naturally. Since 2017 I've offered tailored experiences and conducted inspiring, compelling activities for learners to understand and use English. I use all my creative skills and imagination to shape every class into a memorable adventure."

You've chosen to add English to your skills arsenal, good job! This is the same wise decision I made many years ago, and to this day, I believe it's one of the best decisions I've ever made!

I am here to help you achieve your fluency goals in English. Highly experienced in self-directed learning (I learned both English and German all on my own and got C2-certified in both), and with an inborn passion for creative language and communication, I can guide you in an efficient, effective learning path based on your individual needs.

The beauty of English lies in the power to communicate with the whole world and expanding our horizons by opening up to new cultures, perspectives and knowledge. Whatever your goal is: B2, C1, C2, you've made a great decision, and you want to see results. Let the language learning journey begin, and your confidence bloom. I am here to help!

Over the course of 6 years experience teaching English and German at several schools, companies and universities, I have developed a solid methodology based on immersive, guided discovery and intuitive, real exposure to the language.

What do your lessons look like? It is a personalized course where you:

-will use English until you become a fluent, confident speaker,
-will learn the skills along the way to direct your own learning,
-will be yourself in English, as if using your mother tongue, the ultimate goal.

Sounds ambitious? Doing it in a targeted, way, makes this possible, and the time frame where you can see results depends on your motivation. Take charge of your future and make yourself one of the best, long-life gifts ever.
1 valoraciones de alumnos y ex-alumnos de Anne
Gerardo S
Una excelente profesora. Aprendí bastante gracias a ella, sus clases siempre fueron entretenidas y se daba el tiempo para dejar claras todas las dudas que me surgían.
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