As a teacher I am always searching for new ways or methods, in order to improve my classes and help my students.
This days I have heard a lot about the ''Mindfulness'', a new innovative way of focusing. Moment-by-moment awarenessof thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the surronding environment.
In my work the most common obstacles while learning are the distractions, that fly which is passing through the window or the laundry that need to be done. Focus please. Get started, get finished.
Recently, I discovered an experiment conducted by psycologists in the USA. The experiment looked at the effects of mindfulness training on the multitasking behaivour of workers in high-stress environment (let's think that the workers are students, high-stress, similar situation). The researchers found that when asked to do multiple tasks in a short period of time (exam period for example?), those who had been trained in mindfuless had a better memory for details and were able to maintain more focus on each task. So, can mindfulness help students? Can this experiment be applied to our young generations? To the ones who are imersed in a pile of books looking forward for their final exams? I do think so.
Besides, acoording to another study that I have read, mindfulness training can also help to improve people's attitudes towards work, help them avoiding the laziness. We all have better things to do than our responsabilities. Nowadays, the average student do not enjoy studying, they get bored.
Do you think that Mindfulness can be the solution? Leave a comment below.