What is it like to teach English tutoring classes online? Tips for Beginning Teachers

Teaching online is very different to in the classroom. First of all you have only one direction to aim your teaching so if you are used to walking around and presenting classes all around the classroom then you have to learn how to use all the body language on the spot.

Keeping the children's attention is the first challenge you will tackle and it starts with you. As an online English teacher you have to pull out everything from your bag to keep them motivated. Use props for each lesson such as puppets, funny hats, glasses, light up ears anything different.

They are watching you almost like a television show, except this time they can't turn you over if they get bored. They will surely let you know if they are, especially if you teach younger students you will see them run from the computer screen, or disappear out of the view of the camera or even grab a toy! Keep their attention the same way as you would in a classroom. Sing songs as gap fillers related to your work and play short games to regain their attention such as guess what it is?

Secondly, you will feel tired teaching, not just tired but drained, some people think if you sit in front of the screen you aren't doing anything but you are constantly entertaining/teaching which can be draining. Have water and healthy snacks handy between classes and also stretch your legs if you have a chance.

Sitting down for long periods will hurt your legs and neck. Get plenty of sleep and make sure when you are not teaching or planning you have time away from the screen.Your eyes will thank you later!

The third part of teaching online is the opportunities you have in screen sharing mode, you can use bountiful amounts of websites to aid your learning and the flicking from different resource screens also holds the children attention.

Use games as a wrap up and to hook the children at the beginning of class or if you have a large group play a game called pass the word and have quiz questions ready to fire at any time during the class. This game is perfect for older learners and they love to compete for points.

Finally, relax and you set the atmosphere. There will be days you will feel tired, normally drawing the end of the week so be prepared to be able to switch moods to keep your class motivated. There is nothing more boring than a sad, depressed teacher who is speaking in monotone waiting for the weekend to just swallow her up.

The children respond badly to this attitude and you will end up with an hour class with a snail pace and naughty children. Keep smiling and keep the class interested. Make it about them asking them about their day and you will soon perk up too. Don't be afraid to laugh with the students as long as they don't usurp you and you keep your boundaries they will feel you listen to them as their teacher.
