Estructura de los condicionales en inglés

Aprender inglés no es tarea fácil, de ahí la importancia de hacer clases de inglés. En este caso, voy a hablaros sobre los condicionales en inglés y la estructura que estos siguen.

Conditional sentences practice: If + tiempo verbal + verbo modal

1st Conditional

If I PRESENT SIMPLE this, you WILL infinitive that.

If I do this, you will do that.
If I eat this, you will eat that.
If I have this, you will have that.

Second Conditional

If I PAST SIMPLE this, you WOULD infinitive that.

If I did this, you would do that.
If I ate this, you would eat that.
If I had this, you would have that.

Third Conditional

If I PAST PERFECT this, you WOULD'VE participle that.

If I had done this, you would have done that.
If I had eaten this, you would have eaten that.
If I had had this, you would have had that.

Más ejemplos

  • Si fuera rico, compraria un burro!
  • If I were a rich man, I would buy a donkey.
  • That's if I were a rich man!
  • I would buy a donkey if I were a rich man

  • Do you know what I would buy if I were a rich man?
  • Right, you are! A donkey is what I would buy if I were a rich man.
  • Would you buy a donkey like me if you were a rich man or woman?
  • I think that we would all buy a donkey if we were rich men or women.
