Do you want to speak like a native? Check these idioms!

In the use of the English language, idioms can be very useful but, sometimes, also difficult to understand. An idiom is an expression in a specific language that doesn't have a literal meaning but a peculiar signification that is popularly known. Therefore, idioms can't be understood word by word, by the separate meaning of its words; instead, idioms are understood by the context and through an immersion in the culture.

There are many idioms in English and they are a fantastic way of expressing different emotions or describing a situation. In this post, you will be able to discover some idioms related to atmospheric conditions. These idioms use words related to the weather, but their meaning is not necessarily associated with these elements.

  • To feel under the weather - this doesn’t mean that someone is under a specific climate but that this person is feeling unwell or ill. For example: I'm feeling a bit under the weather today, I might be catching a cold.
  • To be on cloud nine - this expression could be understood as the hability to be on a cloud. However, it really means that someone feels very happy. For example: She was on cloud nine after they told her that she had won the competition.
  • Once in a blue moon - this idiom implies that something happens very rarely, that it doesn't often happens. For example: Once in a blue moon, I like to eat pastries as dinner.
  • To do a brainstorm - this phrase doesn't mean that someone can summon a storm, but that an individual or group of people is sharing ideas and trying to set a plan. For example: Let's brainstorm about what to do for the party!
  • To have the head in the clouds - this last idiom could literally mean that someone manages to have a floating head. The real meaning is that someone is very distracted. For example: I'm sorry, I didn't hear you, I had my head in the clouds.

I hope you enjoyed these idioms and that they can be useful for you! If you want more information about it, don't hesitate to contact me! See you soon.
